ASTM F2100 Standards & Test Report

What is ASTM?

ASTM International, formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international standards organization. There are over 12,800 standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems and services.

ASTM F2100 face mask performance is based on five tests: bacterial filtration efficiency, differential pressure, sub-micron particulate filtration, resistance to penetration by synthetic blood, and flammability. 


What are Level 1, 2, and 3 masks?

ASTM masks are divided into three categories: 

  • Level 1: for general population use and/or procedures that involve low aerosol and fluid production
  • Level 2: used for procedures that involve moderate aerosol and fluid production
  • Level 3: for procedures that involve high aerosol and fluid production


What are the ASTM Standards?

The ASTM F2100 sets the following standard requirements for the materials used in mask manufacturing:


Why buy local instead of imported masks?

EPS Care Technologies Inc masks are ASTM F2100 standard compliant, which provides a higher standard of protection. Imported masks have a lower standard of protection, thus there is NO guarantee of high protection.


ASTM F2100 Test Report of EPS Care Technologies Inc Masks

EPS Care Technologies Inc masks are ASTM F2100 Level-3 compliant, which is the highest level of ASTM F2100 standard requirements.